Aiding you in a positive birthing experience

What is a Doula...

The birth team you create will, to some extent, influence the type of birth you experience. A positive and uplifting environment along with your belief in you and that you are equipped with knowledge, that you feel supported and have confidence in your positive birth choices and that you have people whose abilities you trust on your team .. all of this will empower you!

Studies have shown that having a Doula:
• Reduces the need for caesarean section
• Shortens the length of labour
• Decreases the pain medication required
• Enhances bonding and breastfeeding

In addition to these benefits at the actual birth, I will provide you with all the information you require in order to make informed choices for you and your baby.

As your Doula my role will be...

• To assist, protect & support you in the creation of your Birth Preferences and Plan
• To provide you with support, inspiration, a nurturing environment, confidence and knowledge
• On babies Birth Day - to give you a safe space for mother, father & bubba during this miraculous journey

Supporting a woman through their unique, challenging joyful, intense and amazing birth journey is such a privilege. I believe in the beauty and strength of a mother’s body and in her power and innate ability to birth her baby - her way.

Services I offer...

This is a brief overview of the services that are available to all of my Doula clients however for a more indepth snapshot please contact me.

• Complimentary initial appointment
• Ante natal visits
• Labour and birth support
• Post partum visits
• Australian Bush Flower Essences
• Placenta encapsulation
• Mother Blessing Celebrant

My goal is for you to have the labour and birthing experience you desire. I am passionate about the need for Post Partum support for the new Mother! Maternal studies show the positive benefits in providing Mothers with a continuation of loving support, encouragement and care during the emotional, physical and mental demands of the post natal period. My package provides post patrum visits in the first 6-8 weeks with additional visits arranged  on consultation.

I would be honoured to be your Doula.

The word ‘Doula’ originates in ancient Greece and means ‘woman’s servant’. In the past women were attended at their births by experienced women from their family and ‘village’. These wise women provided the soon to be mother with love & nurture, encouragement & knowledge .. what a wonderful and natural process!

Today’s world sees childbirth as a more medicalised experience within the hospital environment where this history of nurture and support during childbirth has gradually melted away. This is where the need for modern day Doulas has come from.

“Whenever and however you give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body, and your spirit for the rest of your life” ~ Ina May Gaskin.

A little about me...

My name is Deborah Easthope and I’m a proud mother of two daughters and (new!) grandmother of one gorgeous little girl! Living in Buderim on the Sunshine Coast, is amazing, beautiful and has proven to be a wonderful place for raising my family.

I am a registered Nurse (non-practising) and an Australian Doula College trained Doula. The best few words to describe my nature is warm, open, non-judgemental, friendly and compassionate.

I am a believer that our bodies have been specially designed to give birth and was drawn to becoming a Doula based on my belief that parents need to feel supported, nurtured and educated both during their pregnancies and in the early post birth period.

Feedback from my families...

luis and andressa kind words sunshine coast doula

Andressa and Luis ~ Sunshine Coast

"My partner and I decided to have a baby and we had no idea what we were going to go through. For most of the pregnancy we were trying to learn as much as we could, but it's hard to learn things by yourself as you don't know where the advice is coming from and if we should actually follow it. Someone recommended a book called "Cheers to child birth", as a first time dad, I really resonated with the message and one of the take aways was to hire a doula. At that time I had no idea what it even meant. We looked for doulas in our area (Maroochydore) when we came across Deb. From the very first moment we met her, we could see she is incredibly passionate about babies and pregnancy. She made herself available 24/7 and she nurtured us through the tough times. We learned invaluable lessons and we would definitely not have done the same without her. She prepared us to be ready for the pregnancy and her package even allowed time for her to visit us before and after the birth. She went to the hospital with us. Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions, she were not allowed at the time to stay with us in the birth room, nonetheless we were so aware of all the stages and everything that was about to happen, that we managed to have a smooth and pleasant natural birth without any complications. We are ethernaly grateful to her for all her support and we will use her services in the future if we ever decide to have a second child. It unanimous that we highly recommend her to anyone that is about to have a baby, she is amazing, she has this incredible energy about her that makes you feel more calm and confident. We love you Deb! You are an angel. Keep up the great work.”
Luis & Andressa

Kate, Kane & baby Thomas ~ Sunshine Coast

"We had the pleasure of having Deb as our doula for the birth of our first child Thomas. Deb really helped calm my nerves throughout my pregnancy in regards to the labour, and helped me immensely in preparing for the experience by giving us invaluable advice and support. My husband was also comforted in having someone he could talk to openly about his emotions around the labour and becoming a new parent. We both feel we had an extra special Labour because we had the additional support from Deb. She was a pillar of strength and helped me be present and calm in order to bring my baby into the world peacefully. We are forever thankful!”
Kate, Kane & baby Thomas

Ashlee, James & baby Jasper ~ Sunshine Coast

"Deborah was able to impart knowledge and wisdom simply and effortlessly and in a manner that we could easily absorb and craft into our own unique birth experience. Deborah was intuitive as to our needs, and provided information and support that resonated strongly with our spirit as a couple and our wishes and desires for the very personal and sacred experience of bringing our little baby boy into the world. Deborah's love, assistance and support were invaluable to our amazing birth experience and in the dizzy days and weeks afterwards that now seem a distant warm fuzzy blur. Deborah’s expert placenta encapsulation service has also been of enormous benefit for Ashlee in recovering and regaining her strength and energy. Even now 3 months on, we still have a few capsules left to smooth out the bumps and tiredness that pop up occasionally!"
  Lots of love always, Ashlee, James & baby Jasper

Beck, Mark, Levi & Jayden ~ Sunshine Coast

"When I first met Deborah, I knew she’d be perfect.  And she was… Deborah has a genuine loving, caring & nurturing heart for women and babies.  She took the time in listening to every need I had, understood, respected & met all of my needs.  I thought I’d only need Deborah to play the role of physical touch; not realising how many other needs I actually had.  She was there for me in every way! Her presence made me feel safe, secure, calm (as much as you can be, giving birth) and staying in control.  Her maturity and experience (as a Mum and young Grandmother), as well as having worked in the nursing field; gave me lots of confidence and a knowing that everything was going to be ok. She’s been very respectful and professional in the way she’s worked alongside my midwives– I would never give birth again without her!"
  Lots of love always, Mark, Beck, Levi & Jayden.

Renee, Steve & Arley ~ Buderim

"The relationship between our amazing midwife and our fabulous doula, Deborah, provided a feeling of security as they worked together cohesively and harmoniously. Deborah also provided essential postpartum care which included encapsulating my amazingly juicy placenta into capsules to aid me with recovery from the birth and also once we were home her ongoing visits provided us with support and encouragement. Deborah personally invested into our new little family and that was felt by Steve and I on deep a level. We sincerely thank you Deborah.”

Celina, Kasper & Dakota ~ Mudjimba

"Deb's presence at the birth of our daughter Dakota was deeply connective, moving and magical. Her warm, caring motherly heart filled the room with support, encouraging a memorable and natural birth, which imprinted my soul. So special... there really aren't any words to describe how beneficial Deb was at being a part of our labour. A beautiful and spiritual experience."